9060 Assignment 2 spring 2023 free pdf

Aiou 9060 solved Assignment 1& 2 semester spring 2023 free download pdf

Course: ELT Methodology (9060)                 Semester: Spring, 23

Level: BS (English)


Q1. The Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) emphasizes authentic and real-life communication to promote language learning. Here are some activities that help teachers achieve the target of developing effective communication among students:

  1. Role-Playing ScenariosStudents participate in role-playing activities where they act out various real-life situations, such as ordering food at a restaurant, making travel arrangements, or engaging in job interviews. This allows them to practice language in context.
  2. Information Gap TasksPair or group activities where students have different pieces of information and need to communicate effectively to complete a task, such as sharing information about their hobbies or planning a weekend trip.
  3. Debates and DiscussionsOrganizing debates or discussions on relevant topics encourages students to express their opinions and ideas clearly, promoting active communication.
  4. Jigsaw ActivitiesDividing the class into groups and assigning different information to each group, which they must share with other groups through interaction and collaboration.

Q2. The Effectiveness of the Direct Method in the Classroom

The Direct Method focuses on teaching a language directly without the use of the students’ native language. Its effectiveness in the classroom can be illustrated through practical examples:

Example 1 – Vocabulary Building: The teacher uses flashcards and real objects to introduce new vocabulary. For instance, the teacher shows a picture of a fruit and directly says the name of the fruit in the target language, associating the word with the visual representation.

Example 2 – Everyday Expressions: The teacher teaches common phrases and expressions used in everyday conversations, such as greetings, introductions, and basic questions. Students practice using these phrases in various real-life scenarios.

Example 3 – Storytelling: Using the Direct Method, the teacher narrates stories and anecdotes in the target language, immersing students in the language and enhancing their listening and comprehension skills.

Q3. The Audio-Lingual Method: Process and Justifications

The Audio-Lingual Method places significant emphasis on the oral and aural aspects of language learning. The process involves:

  1. Repetition and Imitation: Students repeat and imitate model sentences provided by the teacher or audio recordings to internalize the language patterns.
  2. Drills: Various types of drills, such as substitution drills and transformation drills, are used to practice specific language structures.
  3. Pattern Practice: Students engage in pattern practice exercises where they produce sentences following a specific language pattern.
  4. Listening Comprehension: Extensive listening exercises are conducted to improve students’ understanding of spoken language.


  • The method aims to develop students’ listening and speaking skills effectively.
  • Repetition and drills help reinforce language structures and patterns.
  • It is particularly useful for beginners and language learners who need a strong foundation in pronunciation and grammar.

Q4. Suggestopedia: Presentation with Varied Intonations

Suggestopedia is a teaching method that involves presenting material with varying intonations and coordination of sound and printed words or illustrations. In detail, it includes:

  • Baroque Music: Soft, calming Baroque music is played in the background during lessons to create a relaxed and positive learning environment.
  • Emotional State: The teacher creates a supportive and confident atmosphere to reduce anxiety and enhance receptivity to learning.
  • Rich and Colorful Materials: Materials such as texts, dialogues, and illustrations are presented in an engaging and aesthetically pleasing manner.

The goal is to create a positive emotional state in students, leading to increased receptivity to the presented material.

Q5. Silent Method of Teaching Language: Principles, Strengths, and Weaknesses

The Silent Method, also known as the Silent Way, is an innovative approach where the teacher remains mostly silent during the teaching process. Key principles include:

  1. Student Autonomy: Students take an active role in their learning, discovering language rules and patterns on their own.
  2. Problem-Solving: Students learn to solve linguistic problems independently, encouraging critical thinking.
  3. Gesture and Cues: The teacher uses gestures, cues, and physical objects to facilitate understanding and expression.


  • Fosters learner autonomy and independence.
  • Encourages active participation and engagement.
  • Develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills.


  • May require more time and effort to cover certain language topics.
  • Students might struggle with self-guided learning if not adequately prepared.
  • Limited use in certain language contexts or proficiency levels.

In conclusion, effective language teaching methods are essential for developing effective communication skills among students. By implementing diverse approaches like CLT, Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method, Suggestopedia, and the Silent Method, educators can create dynamic and engaging language classrooms that empower students to become proficient and confident communicators.

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