6457 aiou solved Assignment 2 spring 2023

Course: Chemistry-II (6457)                                                Semester: Spring, 2023

Level: B. Ed (2.5/4Year)                                        


Assignment no 2

Q.1 Transition Elements: Characteristics and Placement in the Periodic Table

Transition Elements: Characteristics and Placement:

Definition: Transition elements, also known as transition metals, are a group of elements found in the d-block of the periodic table. They are characterized by their partially filled d-orbitals, which contribute to their unique properties and versatile chemistry.

Characteristics of Transition Elements:

  1. Variable Oxidation States: Transition elements exhibit multiple oxidation states due to the availability of different d-orbitals for electron loss or gain. These variable oxidation states contribute to their ability to form a wide range of compounds.
  2. Colored Compounds: Many transition metal compounds are colorful due to the presence of unpaired d-electrons that can absorb and emit visible light. This property finds applications in pigments, dyes, and electronic displays.
  3. Formation of Complexes: Transition metals readily form coordination complexes by interacting with ligands. These complexes have a central metal atom/ion surrounded by ligands, and they exhibit unique properties and reactivity.
  4. Paramagnetic Nature: Transition metals are often paramagnetic due to the presence of unpaired electrons in their d-orbitals. This property has implications in magnetic materials and applications.
  5. Catalytic Activity: Transition metals and their compounds often act as catalysts in various chemical reactions. Their ability to change oxidation states and form intermediates makes them essential for industrial processes.
  6. High Melting and Boiling Points: Transition metals generally have high melting and boiling points due to strong metallic bonding resulting from the presence of partially filled d-orbitals.
  7. Malleability and Ductility: Transition metals are malleable and ductile, allowing them to be shaped into various forms. Their metallic bonds are responsible for these mechanical properties.
  8. Formation of Alloys: Transition metals readily form alloys with other metals, enhancing the properties of the resulting material. Stainless steel, for example, is an alloy of iron, chromium, and nickel.

Placement in the Periodic Table:

Transition elements are situated in the d-block of the periodic table, which spans groups 3 to 12. They fill the d-orbitals progressively, with each group representing a new period. The transition metals are further divided into transition metals (Sc-Zn) and inner transition metals (lanthanides and actinides), which are part of the f-block.


Transition elements are a distinct group of elements with unique properties arising from their partially filled d-orbitals. Their variable oxidation states, colorful compounds, formation of complexes, catalytic activity, and other characteristics make them essential components in various fields, from chemistry to industry.

Q.2 Physical Properties of Non-Metals, Including Halogens

Physical Properties of Non-Metals:

Non-metals are a diverse group of elements that differ significantly from metals in terms of physical properties. These properties are attributed to their electron configuration and atomic structure.

  1. State of Matter: Many non-metals exist as gases or brittle solids at room temperature and standard pressure. This is due to their relatively weak metallic bonding and low melting and boiling points.
  2. Conductivity: Non-metals are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity. They lack the delocalized electrons present in metals that enable efficient electron flow.
  3. Luster: Non-metals lack the metallic luster observed in metals. They often appear dull or have a glassy appearance.
  4. Density: Non-metals have lower densities compared to metals. This is because their atomic structure lacks closely packed arrangements and delocalized electrons.
  5. Brittleness: Many non-metals are brittle and break when subjected to stress. This is due to the absence of the malleable and ductile properties seen in metals.
  6. Melting and Boiling Points: Non-metals generally have lower melting and boiling points compared to metals. This is because non-metals are held together by weaker intermolecular forces rather than metallic bonds.
  7. Electronegativity: Non-metals tend to have higher electronegativities, indicating a stronger attraction for electrons. This property influences their chemical reactivity.


Halogens are a specific group of non-metals found in Group 17 of the periodic table. They include fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). Halogens share common characteristics:

  1. Diatomic Molecules: Halogens exist naturally as diatomic molecules (F₂, Cl₂, Br₂, I₂). This is due to their high reactivity and tendency to form stable pairs of atoms.
  2. Color and State: Fluorine and chlorine are gases at room temperature, bromine is a liquid, and iodine is a solid. They exhibit distinct colors, with fluorine being pale yellow, chlorine green, bromine red-brown, and iodine purple.
  3. High Electronegativity: Halogens have high electronegativities, making them strong electron acceptors in chemical reactions.
  4. Reactivity: Halogens are highly reactive and readily form

compounds with metals to create salts (halides). They also undergo redox reactions and readily gain electrons.

  1. Toxicity: Halogens and their compounds can be toxic. For example, chlorine gas was used as a chemical weapon during World War I.

Q.3 Concepts of Radio-isotopes and Trans-Uranium Elements (Approx. 1500 words)


Radio-isotopes, also known as radioactive isotopes, are variants of chemical elements that have an unstable nucleus. This instability is due to an imbalance between the number of protons and neutrons, leading to radioactive decay. Radio-isotopes emit various types of radiation as they undergo decay, which makes them useful in various scientific, medical, and industrial applications.

Concepts of Radio-isotopes:

  1. Radioactive Decay: Radio-isotopes decay over time by emitting particles such as alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. This decay transforms the nucleus into a more stable configuration.
  2. Half-life: The half-life of a radio-isotope is the time it takes for half of the initial amount of the substance to decay. Different radio-isotopes have different half-lives, ranging from fractions of a second to billions of years.
  3. Radioactive Dating: Radio-isotopes are used in radiometric dating to determine the age of materials such as rocks and fossils. The ratio of parent to daughter isotopes provides insight into the elapsed time since the material’s formation.
  4. Medical Imaging: Radio-isotopes are used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic imaging and treatment. For example, technetium-99m is commonly used in medical imaging procedures.
  5. Industrial Applications: Radio-isotopes are used in industrial applications, such as detecting leaks in pipelines and gauging the thickness of materials in manufacturing processes.

Trans-Uranium Elements:

Trans-uranium elements are elements with atomic numbers greater than that of uranium (92). These elements are artificially synthesized through nuclear reactions and do not occur naturally in appreciable quantities.

Concepts of Trans-Uranium Elements:

  1. Synthesis: Trans-uranium elements are created by bombarding target nuclei with high-energy particles, usually in particle accelerators. These collisions cause the target nuclei to capture additional protons, neutrons, or both.
  2. Short Half-lives: Many trans-uranium elements have very short half-lives due to their high atomic numbers and the instability of their nuclei. This poses challenges in their detection and study.
  3. Contributions to Nuclear Physics: The discovery and study of trans-uranium elements have contributed to our understanding of nuclear structure, decay modes, and the stability of superheavy elements.
  4. Naming Conventions: Trans-uranium elements are typically named after scientists, properties, or mythological concepts. For example, element 106 is named seaborgium (Sg) in honor of Glenn T. Seaborg.


Radio-isotopes and trans-uranium elements have significant impacts in various fields:

  1. Scientific Research: Radio-isotopes help researchers study the behavior of elements and compounds, as well as the fundamental processes of decay and nuclear reactions.
  2. Medicine: Radio-isotopes are invaluable in medical diagnostics and treatments, including cancer therapy and imaging techniques.
  3. Industry: Radio-isotopes are used for non-destructive testing, quality control, and materials analysis in various industrial sectors.
  4. Energy: Some radio-isotopes play a role in nuclear power generation as fuel or in controlling reactions.
  5. Understanding Matter: The study of trans-uranium elements contributes to our understanding of the fundamental structure of matter and the limits of stability in the periodic table.

Radio-isotopes and trans-uranium elements are pivotal in numerous scientific, medical, and industrial applications. Their properties, including radioactive decay and artificial synthesis, offer insights into the behavior of matter at the atomic and nuclear levels. These concepts continue to shape various fields and contribute to our understanding of the universe.

Q.4 Stability of Nucleus in Terms of Neutron-Proton Ratio and Binding Energy (Approx. 1500 words)

Stability of Nucleus: Neutron-Proton Ratio and Binding Energy:

The stability of an atomic nucleus is a critical concept in nuclear physics, influencing the behavior of elements and isotopes. Two factors that significantly affect the stability of a nucleus are the neutron-proton ratio and the binding energy.

Neutron-Proton Ratio:

The neutron-proton ratio, often denoted as N/Z, refers to the ratio of neutrons (N) to protons (Z) in the nucleus of an atom. This ratio plays a crucial role in determining the stability of the nucleus.

Key Points:

  1. Repulsive Coulomb Force: Protons in the nucleus carry positive charges and experience a repulsive Coulomb force due to electromagnetic interactions. This force tends to push protons apart.
  2. Attractive Strong Nuclear Force: Neutrons and protons experience the attractive strong nuclear force, which binds them together in the nucleus. This force overcomes the Coulomb repulsion.
  3. Impact on Stability: A higher neutron-proton ratio (�/�>1N/Z>1) generally increases the stability of a nucleus. Neutrons contribute to the attractive strong nuclear force, balancing the repulsive Coulomb force among protons.
  4. Beta Decay: In nuclei with an excess of neutrons, beta decay may occur, where a neutron transforms into a proton, emitting a beta particle and an antineutrino. This process moves the nucleus toward a more stable neutron-proton ratio.

Binding Energy:

Binding energy is the energy required to disassemble a nucleus into its individual protons and neutrons. It reflects the strength of the attractive strong nuclear force that holds the nucleus together.

Key Points:

  1. Mass Defect: The binding energy is related to the concept of mass defect—the difference between the mass of a nucleus and the sum of the masses of its individual protons and neutrons. This difference is converted into energy according to Einstein’s equation (�=��2E=mc2).
  2. Nuclear Stability: A higher binding energy indicates a more stable nucleus. Nuclei with lower binding energies are less stable and can undergo processes like radioactive decay to attain a more stable state.
  3. Nuclear Fusion: Binding energy is released during nuclear fusion, where light nuclei combine to form heavier nuclei. This process powers stars and contributes to the synthesis of elements in stellar nucleosynthesis.
  4. Nuclear Fission: Nuclear fission involves splitting heavy nuclei into smaller fragments. The energy released in this process is a result of the conversion of binding energy.
  5. Mass-Energy Equivalence: The principle of mass-energy equivalence, as demonstrated by Einstein’s equation, underscores the relationship between mass, energy, and binding energy.


Understanding the neutron-proton ratio and binding energy is crucial in various contexts:

  1. Nuclear Stability: The neutron-proton ratio and binding energy determine whether a nucleus is stable or prone to radioactive decay.
  2. Nuclear Reactions: These concepts are essential in understanding nuclear reactions, such as fusion and fission, that release or absorb energy.
  3. Stellar Evolution: In stars, the balance between fusion and gravitational forces is influenced by nuclear stability and binding energy.
  4. Nuclear Technologies: Knowledge of these factors is relevant in nuclear technologies, such as power generation and medical applications.

The stability of atomic nuclei hinges on the neutron-proton ratio and binding energy. The interplay between these factors determines whether a nucleus is stable or undergoes various processes, including radioactive decay and nuclear reactions. Understanding these concepts is crucial in fields ranging from nuclear physics to astrophysics and technology.

Q.5 Role and Significance of the Glass Industry in Pakistan (Approx. 1500 words)

Role and Significance of the Glass Industry in Pakistan:

The glass industry plays a vital role in Pakistan’s economy and infrastructure development, providing a wide range of products that contribute to various sectors. From construction to packaging, the glass industry’s products are essential for modern living and industrial processes.

Role of the Glass Industry:

  1. Construction and Infrastructure: Glass is extensively used in the construction industry for windows, doors, facades, and architectural elements. Its transparency allows natural light to enter buildings, enhancing energy efficiency and aesthetics.
  2. Automotive Industry: The glass industry supplies windshields, windows, and mirrors for vehicles. Automotive glass is designed for safety, visibility, and impact resistance.
  3. Packaging: Glass containers are used for packaging various products such as beverages, pharmaceuticals, and food items. Glass packaging is favored for its inert nature, preserving the taste and quality of contents.
  4. Tableware and Home Decor: Glassware, including drinking glasses, bowls, and decorative items, is widely used in homes and restaurants. The glass industry provides a wide array of designs and styles to suit consumer preferences.
  5. Electronics: Thin glass sheets are used in electronics, such as LCD and OLED screens. These screens are used in televisions, computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices.

Significance of the Glass Industry:

  1. Employment Generation: The glass industry is a significant source of employment, offering job opportunities across various stages of production, from manufacturing to sales and distribution.
  2. Economic Contribution: The industry contributes to the national economy through revenue generation, taxes, and export potential. It stimulates economic growth and development.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The use of glass in architecture and construction enhances urban aesthetics and modernizes the built environment. Glass facades and structures lend a contemporary look to cities.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: Glass is a recyclable material, contributing to environmental sustainability. Recycled glass, known as cullet, is used to manufacture new glass products, reducing raw material consumption.
  5. Innovation and Technology: The glass industry is continually evolving with advancements in technology. Innovations include energy-efficient glass coatings, smart glass, and lightweight glass for automotive applications.
  6. Cultural and Artistic Expression: Glass artistry is an integral part of cultural expression. The glass industry supports artisans who create intricate glass sculptures, ornaments, and decorative pieces.

Challenges and Opportunities:

  1. Energy Consumption: The glass industry requires significant energy for melting and shaping raw materials. Developing energy-efficient practices and technologies is crucial for sustainability.
  2. Raw Material Sourcing: The availability and quality of raw materials, such as silica sand and soda ash, impact the industry’s operations. Ensuring a consistent supply is essential.
  3. Recycling Infrastructure: Strengthening recycling infrastructure can enhance the industry’s sustainability by reducing waste and conserving resources.
  4. Competitiveness: Global competition and changing consumer preferences pose challenges to the industry. Adapting to market demands and adopting advanced technologies can enhance competitiveness.

Government Initiatives:

  1. Supporting Innovation: Governments can encourage research and development in glass manufacturing, leading to improved products and processes.
  2. Infrastructure Development: Investing in infrastructure, such as transportation and energy supply, can benefit the glass industry and its supply chain.
  3. Environmental Regulations: Enforcing environmental standards can promote responsible practices and reduce the industry’s ecological footprint.

The glass industry in Pakistan plays a crucial role in various sectors, from construction and automotive to packaging and electronics. Its products are essential for modern living, infrastructure development, and economic growth. While facing challenges related to energy consumption, raw materials, and competition, the industry holds immense potential for innovation, sustainability, and contribution to Pakistan’s progress.

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